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    About Us

    pure nature

    About us

    She's Shea-Butter started when I was given a jar of Shea-Butter directly from Mali and told to apply it to my bruised skin. Initially I didn't particularly like the smell and the texture of it and used it quite tentatively. The more I used it, the more I liked it. I started researching, experimenting, mixing it and applying it to my skin, my hair and even used it for cooking as it is 100% natural and sourced from the „Karite-Tree“. As my skin was always very sensitive and often acne-prone, the natural remedy of Shea-Butter was the best I could use, especially in relieving blemishes and redness. I decided to go further and see whether I could create something that would help a lot of people. Help the ladies in Mali that pick the nuts, burry them underground, mix them and provide them to us. The people over here in Europe that aren't happy with lotions containing a lot of chemicals. And of course I always hold the idea to create a holistic network of helping. As you can see, She's Shea started as a small venture with oils and is growing into something with natural textiles, paintings and candles. We hope that you enjoy browsing through our site. And don't forget the tipps we post on a regular basis to feed you with interesting information all around She's Shea.

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    She’s Shea Sheabutter


    Our products are completely free of any chemical substances or preservatives. All nuts are handpicked in Mali, preserved in the traditional manner, peeled and crushed and churned into the smooth unrefined typical shea butter mass.



    Even though we don’t hold the Fair Trade symbol yet, we source our products from local Mali farmers that we personally collaborate with. The ladies we work with earn an income for their families and support their children through their labour.



    Our 100% organic and natural Shea Butter can be used for cooking and to create spreads with. According to the saying: „If you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin“ - we believe in the healing power of nature and therefore we only use 100% natural products that will never be tested on animals or do any harm to anyone.



    Our packaging is 100% natural and can be reused. The jars are out of glass and we use aluminium lids. The packaging material is from recycled paper. So no harm is done to the environment and we want to motivate you, to send your glass jars back, so we can refill them for you and do our part to alleviate Mother Nature.



    Our approach with any of our products is always holistic and stems from the knowledge, that everything we do is connected and indirectly affects all of us. Therefore we only use hand sourced and 100% natural ingredients and guarantee that our remedies will always give you the best natural healing power available.


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