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    Home » Can shea-butter reduce stretch marks?

    Unrefined Shea-Butter for stretch marks

    Our skin is our bodies largest organ. It needs and deserves proper, natural and loving attention. Most people are never taught to take care of this fantastic organ properly. Can Shea-Butter reduce stretch marks? 

    We all know, the market is inundated with products claiming to nourish your skin. Albite there may be some truth in this, more and more people are becoming aware of the fact, that these ointments usually contain harmful parabens. Also mineral oils might harm your overall wellbeing. Our natural Shea-Butter is an unrefined 100% natural ancient skin remedy that has been used in Western Africa for hundreds of years. It nourishes, protects and moisturizes skin without any chemical ingredients thus really making it stand out as a beautiful gift from Mother nature. Our pure Shea-Butter is the perfect ointment from birth all the way through to adulthood! 

    So let’s touch on the topic of stretch marks

    Can Shea-Butter really help reduce stretch marks? Our skin is pretty stretchy, but if you grow too quickly, it may not be able to keep up. The result might be stretch marks. Tthere are some people who are not bothered in the least by their stretch marks; others can be really self-conscious about them. If you are amongst the group of people who are not too happy about the appearance of your stretch marks; continue reading! 

    As a whole, Shea-Butter might not be a total cure for existing stretch marks. Rest assured however that natural Shea-Butter contains ingredients that can help protect skin from additional damage. It might even help prevent stretch marks if applied as soon as you know about your pregnancy! It will also reduce existing stretch marks and make them fade.

    Can the use of Shea-Butter make stretch marks go away?

    As stretch marks are a form of scarring they might be superficial or go way below the surface of the epidermis. Hence you get some scars fading and disappearing very fast, while others may remain. It depends on the amount of damage, the depth of damage, the individual’s susceptibility to scarring, etc. We have certainly seen definite improvements on existing stretch marks and the prevention of new stretch marks. Therefore we recommend applying Shea-Butter to your pregnant belly or when you are noticing weight gain at least twice a day. That way you’ll keep your skin stretchy, smooth and elastic. You will feel more youthful and beautiful in your skin.

    Improve collagen and elasticity with unrefined Shea-Butter

    With age our skin looses some of its collagen and elastin so our biggest organ would naturally benefit from applying natural Shea-Butter regularly. We emphasize the words natural and unrefined as there are several lotions on the market containing refined Shea-Butter. The refinery process makes this wonderful product loose the efficacy of its natural vitamins and minerals which actually help the healing process of the epidermis. As our skin not only absorbs lotions and oils superficially we need to care even more about what we put on our skin. But don’t take our word for it, we will let our female and male customers speak. So yes, natural and unrefined Shea-Butter is a remedy for stretch marks. Now that we’ve clarified the use of Shea-Butter for stretch marks we’ll also touch on the topic of breast feeding.

    Can Shea-Butter be used while breastfeeding?

    As Shea-Butter was primarily used for cooking and adding a smooth flavor to nutritious dishes it is also safe to be used while breast feeding. Many women get stretch marks when their breasts suddenly fill with milk during the later stages of pregnancy. If you apply Shea-Butter during pregnancy use it on your breast as well and prevent your skin from “scarring” through growing too fast. Shea-Butter will help the elasticity of the skin without causing harmful side effects due to its edibility. If you are however worried, consult your doctor or pediatrician before applying Shea-Butter. Shea-Butter does not typically harm sensitive skin, or cause any allergic reactions. Especially in its raw form as food oil for cooking. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Our Shea-Butter comes in its typical raw unrefined form directly from Mali.

    How to use Shea-Butter for stretch marks?

    Shea-Butter is quite solid at room temperature. Like similar fats (coconut oil) it is warmed up and melted through rubbing it in the palms of your hands. You can directly apply Shea-Butter to your stretch marks or surrounding skin. Or you exfoliate first by using one of our exfoliation recipes and then rubbing our Shea-Butter in until it is absorbed fully. The rubbing enhances circulation and breaks down fibrous scar tissue easily. If you are exposed to the sun for longer periods of time, we recommend covering your stretch marks.

    How often should I apply Shea-Butter?

    You can apply Shea-Butter as many times as you feel the need for it or at least twice or three times a day. If you are new to Shea-Butter we use it on your arms or neck first in order to see how it works. You then become accustomed to its consistency. Please skip other lotions or ointments while trying it out. We promise you – you will love Shea-Butter in its natural essence. And if you are not keen on the smell add a few drops of natural essential oils to give it a different scent. The smell is sweet and nutty and really earthy. So, at least give it a try. Shea-Butter will help reduce the appearance of stretch marks, will alleviate some completely and will definitely make your skin glow! Isn’t that a worthy goal!

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