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    Home » Hormones in skin care

    Hormones in skin care? No thank you, we don’t need that! She’s Shea-Butter is completely free of any chemical substances or preservatives. All nuts are handpicked in Mali, preserved in the traditional manner, peeled and crushed and churned into the smooth unrefined typical Shea-Butter mass. Well, but why is this so important for us?

    BUT Why are we mentioning hormones at all?

    Hormones are chemical messengers that play an important role in the body in the regulation of metabolic processes and various bodily functions. In recent years, hormones have also been used AND found in skin care products. In particular, hormones such as estrogen, progesterone or testosterone are added to anti-aging products to slow down skin aging and improve skin structure.

    WHY Step away from hormones in skin care?

    However, there is controversy over the use of hormones in skin care products. Some experts fear that the regular use of hormone creams or serums could affect the hormonal balance in the body and lead to long-term health problems. Particularly in the case of hormone-dependent diseases such as breast cancer or prostate cancer, the use of hormones in skincare products can be problematic.

    back to nature

    In general, however, one should be very careful when using skin care products with hormones. Better would be to take a step back to more natural products. But why?

    Fewer chemicals

    First of all: Natural skin care products typically contain fewer chemicals than conventional products. Many synthetic chemical ingredients in conventional skin care products can cause allergic reactions or skin irritation. Natural products rely instead on plant-based active ingredients, which are usually better tolerated.

    Better tolerability

    Natural care products are often better tolerated than synthetic ones. They do not contain artificial fragrances and dyes that can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. Instead, they rely on natural fragrances and colorants, which are often derived from essential oils.

    help the environment

    Natural skin care products have less impact on the environment than conventional products. They do not contain synthetic ingredients that are difficult to break down and can harm the environment. Instead, they rely on natural ingredients that are biodegradable.

    Support the local economy

    Many manufacturers of natural skin care products use local, sustainable ingredients. So by buying natural products, you are often supporting the local economy as well.

    No animal testing

    Natural skin care products are often made without animal testing, making them an animal-friendly alternative to conventional products.


    Our conclusion: A forever bye-bye to chemicals! You too? Check out our website and join our Instagram-Community!


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