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    Home » Sooth Sore joints with Shea-Butter

    Shea-Butter relieve sore muscles and joints

    Sooth sore joints with Shea-Butter…And yes: You read right: After having used Shea-Butter you surely believe in its superior moisturising properties by now. What might however be new to you is the fact, that Shea-butter has been used as a health remedy in the Saharan region of Africa for ages. The combination of vitamins and minerals in unrefined and 100% natural Shea Butter possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can certainly help to relief muscle ache and joint pain!

    How to do it and try it our for yourself? Heat your Shea-Butter (no microwave heating) and make sure it’s really warm when applying on your skin. Massage the affected area and notice the soreness disappear usually in 3-4 hours (depending on the individual regeneration possibilities). Give your body rest, while the applied Shea-Butter oozes its magic into your sore tendons, joints and muscles. For best results, apply generously before and after exercise. It’ll help reduce muscle fatigue and pain.

    According to clinical trials conducted in 2010 on 34 patients suffering from arthritis, Shea-Butter’s anti-inflammatory properties were proven. Shea-Butter contains triterpenes which exhibit significant anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour activity. The patients were observed throughout the 16 week trial and every single one reported pain relief, through the vast reduction of joint inflammation while at the same time improving circulation.

    Make sure to apply only unrefined, natural Shea-butter. The process of refining is a chemical process which mostly destroys many of the nurturing vitamins and minerals. Traditionally Shea-Butter was used for cooking and as a natural skin and hair protection remedy. Shea-Butter’s healing properties were only discovered recently in the Western hemisphere and have been used as the basic for many cosmetics, lotions, ointments and so on. Natural, raw and unrefined Shea-Butter however is what you always need to look out for as your well being will certainly benefit from it greatly. So simply put: Just go ahead, try it and sooth sore joints and achy muscles with Shea-Butter!


    • September 12, 2022

      Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.


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