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    Home » Shea-Butter lips are made for kissing SHEA-BUTTER LIPS ARE MADE FOR KISSING

    Oh how we love kissable lips

    Here’s what you’ll need:

    2 teaspoons of Shea-butter

    2 teaspoons of coconut oil

    2 teaspoons of jojoba-oil

    a few drops of vanilla extract

    Place your Shea-Butter in the bowl, add the coconut oil and mix until it becomes smooth. If you find it easier, melt the oils first by placing the jar in hot water. Add the jojoba-oil once you have reached a smooth consistency. Add vanilla extract to flavour your homemade lip balm. Store in a resealable container and apply to your lips whenever necessary. You could also exfoliate your lips before using your homemade lip balm to get rid of dead skin before moisturizing this wonderful part of your skin.

    To harden your mixture, we advise storing it in the refrigerator, it then becomes more like lip balm in its consistency. Alternatively you can just buy our 100% Shea-butter lip balm right here: LIPPENBALSAM

    We all need to kiss more!

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